Frequently asked Questions

May I complete the qualification events after my entry is submitted?

Entries are only accepted if you have already completed the qualifying events. All criteria must be met at the time of entry application.

I have completed my own trail run over 80km in a good time and am able to share the Strava details of it for my application.

Applications will only be considered for organised race events.

Why do I have to have a current Parks Pass as well as pay for access to the Overland Track within the event fees.

All visitors to Tasmanian National Parks are required to have a current Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Pass. The Overland Track is a specially managed track and has an additional fee requirement during peak season (1 October – 31 May). The Overland Track fee is included in the event registration at a reduced rate of $50 (compared to $295).

Am I able to use my phone or watch’s digital compass for the compulsory equipment which has enough battery life for the event duration?

An orienteering standard compass with a minimum 40mm dial is required.

What happens if not all the compulsory equipment are carried in the running pack through to the finish?

You will be listed as DNF and disqualified from future entry. The event is conducted in a remote alpine environment where conditions may change rapidly.

Is there a gpx file of the course to me to review?

Please find a link to a gpx file here. Please also review the interactive map available.